Introduction to the segment builder
💡 Media owners can check their inventory as we retrieve it from connected SSP or their imported data. No modifications are allowed from this interface.
Available features
Exploration and frames filtering
An unified field of research allowing to filter targeting criteria among :
- POI groups
- Venue types
- Frames
- Cities & others geolocations
- Custom scored data
For each results available, you see the volume of frames and daily impressions matching the criteria
A location corresponds to a unique GPS coordinate. For instance, if you were to have 15 frames in a city with 5 of these frames associated to a same, unique GPS coordinate (a mall for instance), the segment builder would displayce 15 frames for 10 locations
Based on those different criteria, you can :
- add filter criteria to their segment, filtering down the frames available
- these criteria can also be added as an exclusion criteria
- Frames can also be selected based on polygons drawn directly on the map
- As you build your segment, you can see the global statistics of your selection (frames, impressions, locations)
- CSV download of current frames selection
- Frames selection saved as a segment
- The segment is based on a name and the compilation of the targeting criteria selected by the user.
- Segment reload and edition
- You can choose from your existing segment to reload it on the segment builder and edit it