Group of POI targeting
POI targeting is only available if you upload Group of POI in your dataset
You can search for POI groups in your POI library and add them to your filters with a radius by using the "All filters" and the associated "POI groups" search tab.
You can only search for and see POI groups that are part of your library, not those of other media owners.
The search tab is only visible if you have a library of POI groups.
When you add a POI group to your targeting, the frames of that group within the applied radius will be displayed on the map.
If multiple POI groups are targeted, you can adjust a distinct radius for each POI group. The targeted frames are those that are within the radius of one of the groups. The number of frames increases when multiple POI group targetings are combined.
You can exclude a POI group by clicking on the ✅ icon next to the added filter on the right side of the page. It will then be excluded (🚫)
If multiple POI groups are targeted and some are excluded, exclusion takes precedence over inclusion.
If you combine a POI group targeting with a custom point, POI Google, or frame, the targeting applied is "OR".
If you combine a POI group targeting with a location (city, region, etc.) or venue type, the targeting applied is "AND".