Dashboard Segments
Find here the detailed information of your segments from the Segment Builder.
This dashboard provides an overview of your segments from the Segment Builder. In this documentation, we will explain the different features of the dashboard and how to use them.
The data at page load represents the information on all your segments.
For an optimal use of this dashboard, it is advised to use the filters. Filters can help you quickly narrow down the data displayed on the dashboard to only the information that is relevant to you.
The filters are located at the top of the dashboard. Select the criteria you want to apply. You can filter by segment_uuid, segment name, venue type, country and city.
- Total Segments
- Total Distinct Frames
- Total Countries
- Total Cities
- Total Venue-type
- Segments Breakdown: This is a summary table of all your segments
- Segment Name
- Number of City
- Number of Venue type
- Number of Frame ID
7. Repartition by City: This metric displays the distribution of frames by city
8. Repartition by Venue Type: This metric displays the distribution of frames by Venue type
9. Frames: This is a summary table of all your frames
- Segment Name
- Frame ID
- Frame Name
- Country
- Venue Type
- City
10. Segment frames - Map: View the distribution of your screens on a map